New To Impact Church
Welcome to Impact Church!
It is my joy and honor to introduce you to our church! I believe that you will find that Impact Church is a place that you can call home. We are a group of people from all walks of life who simply want to have life-changing experiences with God - you are invited to join us on our journey.
As you join us, you will come to discover that we have four guiding principles:
First - we all need to KNOW GOD through a personal experience with Him. Please notice how I said that we need to KNOW GOD - and that I did not say that we need to “know about God.” There is a difference. Let me say it this way: God does not want to be our religion, He wants to be our Father. God is not looking for us to come to Him subservient before a dictator. God wants to be in a relationship with us - with you. He wants you to know Him not just know about Him.
Secondly, we can FIND FREEDOM from past hurts and failures. When people come to KNOW GOD, they inevitability bring unwanted baggage into that new relationship. As a matter of fact, you may be reading this while struggling with things in your life that you wish you could change. FINDING FREEDOM does not mean being able to make yourself good enough to come to God. Freedom is knowing God and trusting in Jesus to set you free.
Thirdly, we can DISCOVER our God-given PURPOSE. There is something that you need to know – God can take everything that you have been through in your life and guide you to His PURPOSE for your life. You need to know that before you were born, God knew you and had a PURPOSE for you. God has worked into your very being, into your DNA, a PURPOSE that exceeds your own understanding - a PURPOSE that He can lead you do DISCOVER.
Finally, we can MAKE A DIFFERENCE in other peoples' lives. As we come to KNOW GOD and FIND FREEDOM in our lives - as we DISCOVER our God-given PURPOSE, we realize it is for a reason. You and I together can make an eternal DIFFERENCE in the lives of others.
I invite you to connect with us and be a part of Impact Church. If you have any questions, please contact us.
God Bless You,
Walter Nelson
Lead Pastor
growth track
If you are new to Impact Church and would like to know more about us, how to get involved, or how to become a member, you are invited to Pastor Walt's Growth Track class. this is a 4-part class designed to go into greater detail of the four principles of our church: Know God, Find Freedom, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference.




Growth Track class 1 - Know God
Growth Track class 2 - Find Freedom
Growth Track class 3 - Discover Purpose
Growth Track class 4 - Make a Difference
Classes begin following the morning services and lunch will be provided
We will meet in the church lobby/cafe area
Please register here - Thank you!